Provincial Rotation and Competition Formats
The Provincial Rotation to 2021 for all NOCA Provincials, and the Competition Formats (draw and playoff formats) are now posted. Provincial Rotation to 2021 Competition Format Summary
DetailsThe Provincial Rotation to 2021 for all NOCA Provincials, and the Competition Formats (draw and playoff formats) are now posted. Provincial Rotation to 2021 Competition Format Summary
DetailsWith assistance from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, Coaching Association of Canada, Investor’s Group, CAAWS (Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity), and the Canadian Curling Association, NOCA will present a curling conference in Sudbury October 24-26, 2014. Club Coach and Competition Coach courses will be held (the Club Coach course…
DetailsThe Curling Conference held in Thunder Bay Sept. 26-28 was a great success. 14 people were trained as Club Coaches thanks to funding provided by the Coaches Association of Ontario, and 13 coaches were trained in the Competition Coach course. Participants were treated to fantastic presentations by Rick Lang, CCA National Team Leader, and Tom…
DetailsThe CCA has created media tools for clubs to use for recruitment and awareness campaigns. Promotional Posters 2 Minute Guide to the Sport of Curling The Benefits of Curling Videos (7 videos)
DetailsWith assistance from the Ontario Trillium Foundation and the Coaches Association of Ontario, NOCA is excited to host a Curling Conference September 26-28 in Thunder Bay. (A second conference will be held in Sudbury October 24-26). Don’t miss this great opportunity to develop as a coach and learn how you can help your club through…
DetailsSeptember 20-27, 2014 is Ontario Coaches Week sponsored by the Coaches Association of Ontario. Free NCCP Courses and Workshops (including Coach Professional Development Modules) are available all week. NOCA is proud to participate in Coaches Week and appreciates the support of the CAO for providing the Club Coach Course for Free during the NOCA Curling…
DetailsThe Gino Sonego Rink (Sonego, Doug Dean, Richard Dawid, Lola Graham, Chris Provenzano, Coach Doug Gelmich) are representing Northern Ontario at the Canadian Wheelchair Championships. The Sonego rink hails from the Fort William Curling Club. Event site Results
DetailsCongratulations to Team Tanner Horgan who came through the round robin with a 5-0 record. Horgan earned a silver medal, losing to the men’s team from Connecticut. Horgan, Team Horgan (Horgan, Nicholas Servant, Jacob Horgan, Maxime Blais, Coach Gerry Horgan) hails from the Idylwylde G&CC in Sudbury. Event Site Team Ontario You Tube Video