NOCA Notes November 1st edition
NOCA Notes Nov. 1st
NOCA is holding two contests in November. The Curling Week Trivia contest will run weekly for four weeks starting October 28th. Two questions will be listed weekly with the two winners receiving a 2014 NOCA calendar. Winners will be drawn each Friday until November 22nd. The Road to the Roar Brooms & Jerseys contest will…
DetailsTim Hortons has been announced as the title sponsor of the Northern Ontario Curling Association Bantam competitions and Youth Challenges. ”Tim Hortons is proud and excited to sponsor this year’s Northern Ontario Curling Association’s Bantam competitions and Youth Challenges,” said Rob Forbes, Senior Director Marketing, Ontario and National Programs, Tim Hortons. “We look forward to…
DetailsThe Ontario Curling Council (OCC) is seeking a knowledgeable and experienced person for the position of Chief Administrative Office. The OCC is the Provincial Sport Organization for Curling in Ontario. Application deadline is Friday November 1, 2013. CAO Job Posting
DetailsNOCA has produced a poster for clubs to use for recruiting new members. The poster is available for download. Simply download and print the poster. Add your club information on the bottom right, or contact the NOCA office to have it digitally added.
Registrations for all 2014 competitions are now available for online registration. Please note that the information needed for bantam and junior registrations includes team member birth dates. All other competition categories do not require birth dates. Once you register you will be redirected to a link on the site to complete the required forms. Please…
DetailsThree Northern Ontario teams will compete in the Capital One Road to the Roar The Brad Jacobs (Soo Curlers Association), Krista McCarville (Fort William Curling Club), and Tracy Horgan (Idylwylde G&CC) rinks will all compete at the Capital One Road to the Roar Olympic pre-trials in Kitchener, November 5-10. 24 teams will compete at the Road to the…
DetailsNOCA 2014 Calendar Fundraising Opportunity NOCA is pleased to offer our curling clubs an exciting fundraising opportunity. A 2014 calendar will be available for clubs to sell and raise money for their club. Many clubs have indicated that the funds will be raised for their Junior or Little Rocks programs or teams. The calendar features…